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I. General concepts

  • Regulations - these regulations

  • Website - the "" website, operating at

  • Service Provider - the company "ZP20 Piotr Markowski" with the registered office address: Al. KEN 36 / 112B, WARSAW, NIP: 9482256434, 

  • Service Recipient - any natural person accessing the Website and using the services provided via the Website by the Service Provider.

  • Electronic Communication - Communication between the parties via electronic mail (e-mail) and contact forms available on the website.


II. General provisions

  • The Regulations define the principles of operation and use of the Website and define the scope of rights and obligations of the Service Users and the Service Provider related to the use of the Website.

  • The subject of the Service Provider's services is the provision of free tools in the form of the Website, enabling the Customers to access content in the form of entries, articles and audiovisual materials or internet applications and electronic forms.

  • Any possible content, articles and information containing the features of tips or advice published on the Website are only a general collection of information and are not directed to individual Customers. The Service Provider is not responsible for their use by the Recipients.

  • The Service Recipient assumes full responsibility for the manner of using the materials made available on the Website, including the use of them in accordance with applicable law.

  • The Service Provider does not give any guarantees as to the suitability of the materials posted on the Website.

  • The Service Provider is not liable for any damages incurred by the Service Users or third parties in connection with the use of the Service. Any risk related to the use of the Website, and in particular the use and use of information posted on the Website, is borne by the Service User using the Website's services.


III. Terms of use of the Website

  • The use of the Website by each of the Customers is free and voluntary.

  • Recipients are obliged to read the Regulations and other documents constituting its integral part and must accept its provisions in full in order to continue using the Website.

  • Recipients may not use any personal data obtained on the Website for marketing purposes.

  • Technical requirements for using the Website:

    • a device with a display that allows you to view websites,

    • Internet connection,

    • any web browser that displays websites in accordance with the standards and provisions of the W3C Consortium and supports websites made available in HTML5,

    • JavaScript support enabled,

    • Cookie support enabled

  • In order to ensure the safety of the Service Provider, Service Recipient and other Service Recipients using the Website, all Service Recipients using the Website should follow generally accepted  network security rules ,

  • It is forbidden to perform activities performed personally by the Service Users or by means of software:

    • without written consent, decompilation and source code analysis,

    • without written consent, causing excessive load on the Website server,

    • without written consent, attempts to detect security gaps in the Website and server configuration,

    • attempting to upload or download code, scripts and software to the server and database that may harm the Website's software, other Service Users or the Service Provider,

    • attempting to upload or download to the server and database code, scripts and software that can track or steal data of the Customers or the Service Provider,

    • taking any actions aimed at damaging, blocking the operation of the Website or preventing the achievement of the purpose for which the Website operates.

  • In the event of detecting the occurrence or potential possibility of a cybersecurity incident or violation of the GDPR, the Service Recipients should first report this fact to the Service Provider in order to quickly remove the problem / threat and protect the interests of all Service Users.


IV. Terms and conditions of registration

  • Recipients can use the Website without the need to register.

  • Recipients must be registered and have an account on the Website to use additional services provided on the Website, available only to Users after logging in.

  • Registration on the Website is voluntary.

  • Registration on the Website is free of charge.

  • Each Service Recipient may have only one account on the Website.

  • Technical requirements related to account registration:

    • having an individual e-mail account,

  • The Service Recipients who register on the Website consent to the processing of their personal data by the Service Recipient to the extent that they were entered into the Website during the registration process and their subsequent changes or deletion.

  • The Service Provider has the right to suspend or delete the accounts of the Service Users at its own discretion, thus preventing or limiting access to certain or all services, content, materials and resources of the Website, in particular if the Service Recipient violates the Regulations, generally applicable law, rules of social coexistence or acts to the detriment of the Service Provider or other Service Recipients, the legitimate interest of the Service Provider and third parties cooperating or not with the Service Provider.

  • All services of the Website may be changed as to their content and scope, added or subtracted, as well as temporarily suspended or access to them may be limited, at the Service Provider's free decision, without the possibility of objecting in this regard by the Service Users.

  • Additional security rules for using the account:

    • Customers registered on the Website are prohibited from sharing their login and password with third parties.

    • The Service Provider has no right and will never demand a password for the selected account from the Service Recipient.

  • Deleting accounts:

    • Each Service Recipient who has an account on the Website has the option of removing the account from the Website.

    • Recipients can do it after logging in to the panel on the Website.

    • Removal of the account results in the deletion of all identification data of the Service Recipient and the anonymization of the username and e-mail address.


V. Terms of providing the Newsletter service

  • Recipients can use the Website without subscribing to the Newsletter.

  • Subscribing to the Newsletter service is voluntary.

  • Subscribing to the Newsletter service is free of charge.

  • Technical requirements related to the Newsletter service:

    • having an individual e-mail account,

  • The conditions for the provision of the Newsletter service:

    • providing an individual e-mail account in the electronic form,

    • verification of the given e-mail account by launching the link sent to it,

    • consent to receive e-mail notifications,

  • The scope of the Newsletter service:

    • notification of new news, entries, contests and other promotional campaigns related to the Website's services,

    • notifying about promotional campaigns of the Service partners (Marketing messages),

  • Unsubscribing from the Newsletter service:

    • Each Service Recipient subscribed to the Newsletter service has the option to unsubscribe from the Service on his own.

    • Recipients can do so via a link included in each e-mail sent.

    • Unsubscribing from the Newsletter service results in the removal of the e-mail address provided from the Service Provider's database.


VI. Terms of communication and the provision of other services on the Website

  • The website provides services and tools enabling the Service Users to interact with the Website in the form of:

    • Contact form

    • Commenting on entries and articles

  • The website provides contact details in the form of:

    • E-mail address

  • In the event of contact of the Service Recipient with the Service Provider, the personal data of the Service Recipients will be processed in accordance with the " Privacy Policy ", which is an integral part of the Regulations.

  • Conditions for posting content by the Service Users on the Website:

    • It is forbidden to post offensive or defamatory content on the Website towards the Service Provider, other Service Users, third parties and third parties,

    • It is forbidden to post text, graphic, audiovisual materials, scripts, programs and other works on the Website, for which the Service Recipient does not have a license, or for which the author of the proprietary rights has not consented to free publication,

    • It is forbidden to post vulgar, pornographic, erotic and inconsistent with Polish and European law on the Website, as well as links to pages containing the indicated content,

    • It is forbidden to post on the Website scripts and programs that overload the server, illegal software, software used to breach security and other similar activities, as well as links to pages containing the indicated materials,

    • It is forbidden to post marketing content on the Website and advertise other commercial websites, products, services or commercial websites.


VII. Collection of data about the Customers

In order to properly provide services by the Website, secure the legal interest of the Service Provider and to ensure compliance of the Website with applicable law, the Service Provider collects and processes some data about the Users via the Website.

For the proper provision of services, the Website uses and saves some anonymous information about the Customer in cookie files.

The scope, purposes, method and principles of data processing are available in the appendices to the Regulations: " GDPR Information Obligation " and in the " Privacy Policy ", constituting an integral part of the Regulations.

  • Data collected automatically:
    For the efficient operation of the Website and for statistics, we automatically collect some data about the Service Recipient. These data include:

    • IP address

    • Browser type

    • Screen resolution

    • Approximate location

    • The subpages of the website that are opened

    • Time spent on the relevant subpage of the website

    • Type of operating system

    • Address of the previous subpage

    • Address of the referring party

    • Browser language

    • Internet connection speed

    • Internet Service Provider

    • Anonymous demographic data based on Google Analytics data: 

      • sex

      • Age

      • Interests

    The above data is obtained through the Google Analytics script and is anonymous.

  • Data collected during registration:
    Username, first and last name, e-mail address

    In the case of logged in Customers (who have an account on the Website), cookie files saved on the Customer's device may contain the Customer's ID associated with the Customer's account.

  • Data collected when subscribing to the newsletter:
    e-mail adress


VIII. Copyright

  • The Service Provider is the owner of the Website and copyrights to the website.

  • Part of the data posted on the Website is protected by copyright belonging to companies, institutions and third parties, not related in any way to the Service Provider, and is used on the basis of obtained licenses or based on a free license.

  • Pursuant to the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright, it is prohibited to use, copy, reproduce in any form and store in search systems, excluding Google, Bing, Yahoo, NetSprint, DuckDuckGo, Facebook and LinkedIn, any articles, descriptions, photos and any other other content, graphic materials, video or audio on the Website without the written consent or consent provided via Electronic Communication of their legal owner.

  • Pursuant to the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright, simple press releases, understood as information only, without the author's comment and evaluation, are not protected. The author understands this as the possibility of using information from the texts posted on the website, but not copying all or part of the articles, unless it has been marked in the individual material provided on the website.


IX. Amendments to the Regulations

  • All provisions of the Regulations may be unilaterally changed by the Service Provider at any time, without giving reasons.

  • Information about the amendment to the Regulations will be sent electronically to the Customers registered on the Website.

  • In the event of a change to the Regulations, its provisions enter into force immediately after its publication for Customers who do not have an account on the Website.

  • In the event of a change to the Regulations, its provisions enter into force with a 7-day transition period for Customers who have accounts on the Website registered before the amendment to the Regulations.

  • It is assumed that each Service Recipient who continues to use the Website after the amendment to the Regulations accepts it in full.


X. Final Provisions

  • The Service Provider is not responsible in any way, as allowed by applicable law, for the content provided and published on the Website by the Service Users, for its truthfulness, reliability, authenticity or legal defects.

  • The Service Provider will make every effort to ensure that the Website's services are offered on a continuous basis. However, he does not bear any responsibility for any disruptions caused by force majeure or unlawful interference of the Customers, third parties or the operation of external automatic programs.

  • The Service Provider reserves the right to change any information posted on the Website on the date selected by the Service Provider, without prior notification of the Customers using the Website's services.

  • The Service Provider reserves the right to temporarily, fully or partially disable the Website in order to improve it, add services or carry out maintenance, without prior notice to the Customers.

  • The Service Provider reserves the right to disable the Website permanently, without prior notice to the Customers.

  • The Service Provider reserves the right to assign all or part of its rights and obligations related to the Website, without the consent and the possibility of expressing any objections by the Service Recipients.

  • The current and previous Regulations of the Website can be found on this subpage under the current Regulations.

  • In all matters related to the operation of the Website, please contact the Service Provider using one of the following forms of contact:

    • By using the contact form available on the Website

    • By sending a message to the e-mail address:

    • By telephone connection to the number: +48 733 644 002

    Contact using the indicated means of communication only in matters related to the Website.

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